2018 Coach Operator of the Year

2018 Human Resources Awards
Our Staff are at the heart of our Business. The Irish HR Champion Awards presented the ‘Rising Star’ Award to Eddie O’Reilly and Amanda Carroll for their initiatives to make Dualway an even better place to work. Recent initiatives include providing a Staff Gym, Doctors benefits and introducing regular Staff Surveys.

2017 Fleet Coach & Bus Safety Award
Our Staff are at the heart of our Business. The Irish HR Champion Awards presented the ‘Rising Star’ Award to Eddie O’Reilly and Amanda Carroll for their initiatives to make Dualway an even better place to work. Recent initiatives include providing a Staff Gym, Doctors benefits and introducing regular Staff Surveys.

2012 Level 4 EFQM Excellence Award
The Dualway Group was the first Transport & Tourism company to presented with the Level 4 EFQM recognition. EFQM is a membership foundation, headquartered in Brussels, which is dedicated to the mission of promoting sustainable excellence throughout organisations in Europe and this level of recognition aligns Dualway’s management practices to Europe’s best performing organisations.

2010 Outstanding Best Practice’ award from the CIPD
The Dualway Group was the proud recipients of an ‘Outstanding Best Practice’ award for its internal progression planning and organisation restructure.

2010 & 2011 Optimus Business Excellence Award
The Dualway Group was awarded the Optimus Mark of Excellence by Failte Ireland. Dualway was recognised for demonstrating a deep commitment to continuous improvement, superior performance and a strategic approach to managing the business.